Wood Chipper Machine | Log Chips Making Machine
የምርት ስም | Shuliy Machinery |
ውፅዓት | 500-8000 ኪ.ግ |
የኃይል ዘዴ | የኤሌክትሪክ ሞተሮች እና የናፍታ ሞተሮች |
ዋስትና | 12 ወራት |
The wood chipper machine is an efficient piece of equipment designed to process waste wood, bamboo, board, and leather into chips of various sizes. These chips are commonly used as raw materials in industries like particleboard, fiberboard, and paper pulp production, as well as biomass energy fuel.
With its compact structure and minimal space requirement, the wood chipper provides high-quality slicing, making it a reliable solution for wood chip production. This machine offers two discharge options: upper and lower discharge, providing flexibility depending on operational needs.
Additionally, it can be customized through OEM services to meet specific requirements. The wood chipper has a capacity range of 500-8000 kg/h, making it suitable for both small-scale and large-scale applications.
የሞተር ዓይነት የእንጨት መሰንጠቂያ
The motorized wood chipper is powered by an electric motor, providing a reliable and efficient energy source for processing materials. It is designed to handle wood, bamboo, and other raw materials, transforming them into small wood chips for various industrial applications.
- Electric motor power source. Ensures consistent and efficient operation.
- Flexible mobility. The chipper can be equipped with wheels based on customer needs, making it easy to transport.
- Extended discharge port. The discharge port can be lengthened for easier collection of wood chips, enhancing convenience during operation.
This design makes the wood chipper versatile and practical for different work environments.
የሞተር ዓይነት የእንጨት መሰንጠቂያ መለኪያዎች
ሞዴል | አቅም | የግቤት መጠን | የመውጫው መጠን | የኤሌክትሪክ ኃይል |
WD-420 | 500KG/H | 150*150ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 11 ኪ.ወ |
WD-600 | 1500KG/H | 180*150ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 18.5 ኪ.ወ |
WD-800 | 3000KG/H | 200*200ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 30 ኪ.ወ |
WD-950 | 4000KG/H | 230*250ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 37 ኪ.ወ |
WD-1200 | 5000KG/H | 330*300ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 55 ኪ.ወ |
WD-1400 | 7000-8000KG/H | 400*400ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 90 ኪ.ወ |
- Model naming: The 420, 600, and 800 models are named after their blade diameter. They offer low investment and moderate output, making them popular.
- Feeding port for models above 800:
- Models above 800 have a flat feeding port for higher output.
- They can be connected to a conveyor belt for automatic feeding.
- Feeding style for models above 1000:
- Models over 1000 feature an inclined feeding design.
- Conveyor belts are available, suitable for large-scale operations.
የናፍጣ እንጨት ቺፐር
The diesel-powered wood chipper operates on diesel fuel, making it versatile and capable of processing raw materials into wood chips without the constraints of electrical voltage. This allows it to be used in a wide range of settings.
- Diesel fuel operation. Provides independence from electrical voltage, suitable for remote or outdoor locations.
- Customizable mobility. The chipper can be equipped with wheels, offering flexibility for easy relocation and movement.
የናፍጣ ጄነሬተር ዓይነቶች መለኪያዎች
ሞዴል | አቅም | የግቤት መጠን | የመውጫው መጠን | የናፍጣ ኃይል |
WD-420 | 500KG/H | 150*150ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 15 ኪ.ፒ |
WD-600 | 1500KG/H | 180*150ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 22 ኪ.ፒ |
WD-800 | 3000KG/H | 200*200ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 40 ኪ.ፒ |
WD-950 | 4000KG/H | 230*250ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 60 ኪ.ፒ |
WD-1200 | 5000KG/H | 330*300ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 55 ኪ.ወ |
WD-1400 | 7000-8000KG/H | 400*400ሚሜ | ከ2-5 ሳ.ሜ | 90 ኪ.ወ |
Wood chips making machine features
The crusher machine is designed with a compact structure, taking up minimal space and ensuring simple operation with no need for special training. Just feed logs directly into the inlet.
- Durable carbon steel blades. Long-lasting and easy to remove or install, providing reliable performance over time.
- Easy maintenance. The crushing chamber cover opens easily for convenient maintenance and part replacement.
- Large feeding capacity. Accommodates log diameters from 230mm to 500mm, offering higher capacity than traditional models.
- Customizable design. The inlet and outlet can be adjusted in position and length to meet specific customer needs. A conveyor belt option is also available for efficient material transport.
የእንጨት ቺፐር ማሽን መዋቅር
The wood chipper machine is engineered with a durable structure that ensures effective wood processing. Its main components—a sturdy base, frame, inlet, outlet, blades, casing, and electric control system—work together seamlessly.
Once wood enters through the inlet, the motor drives the rotor at high speed, enabling the blades to slice the material into uniform wood chips.
- Adjustable blade inclination. Users can modify the blade angle to produce wood chips in different sizes and thicknesses based on specific needs.
- Advanced design improvements. The disc chipper series has been continually upgraded to enhance quality, efficiency, and performance, meeting evolving market standards for premium-grade wood processing equipment.
ተስማሚ ቁሳቁሶች እና የእንጨት መቆራረጥ ማሽን ሁኔታዎች
የዲስክ እንጨት ሎግ ቺፐር በዋናነት ለትንሽ ዲያሜትር እንጨት እና ማቀነባበሪያ ቅሪቶች ለምሳሌ እንደ ቅርንጫፎች፣ ሰሌዳዎች፣ ስሌቶች፣ ክብ የእንጨት ኮሮች፣ የቆሻሻ መጣያዎች፣ የቆሻሻ እንጨት፣ ወዘተ.
መጠቀም እንችላለን ሀ የእንጨት debarker የዛፎቹን ቅርፊት ለመንቀል. የተጣሩ የእንጨት መሰንጠቂያዎች ለወረቀት አሠራር የበለጠ ተስማሚ ናቸው. ማሽኑ እንደ ሸንኮራ አገዳ፣ ሸምበቆ፣ እንጨት ላልሆኑ ቁሳቁሶችም ይሠራል። የቀርከሃ፣ እናም ይቀጥላል።
የመጨረሻው የእንጨት ቺፕስ አብዛኛውን ጊዜ የወረቀት, particleboard, fiberboard, መካከለኛ ጥግግት ቦርድ, ባዮማስ, ወዘተ ሂደት ውስጥ ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል በውስጡ የኃይል ፍጆታ ዝቅተኛ ነው, እና ፍሰት ክወናዎች ተስማሚ ነው. በተጨማሪም ፣ ለግለሰብ ቤተሰቦች ለንግድ የእንጨት ቺፕ ማምረት ሊያገለግል ይችላል ።
የእንጨት መሰንጠቂያውን ሲጠቀሙ ምን ትኩረት መስጠት አለብዎት?
Before operating the wood chipper, proper setup and maintenance are essential to ensure optimal performance and safety. Follow these guidelines to maintain efficiency and prolong the machine’s service life.
Preparation and operation tips:
- Proper wiring. Connect the motor according to the specified wiring instructions and ensure the ground wire is securely connected before powering on the machine.
- Initial check. Manually rotate the belt pulley to test idle function, confirming that the cutter head rotates smoothly. If abnormal sounds occur, turn off the machine immediately for inspection and adjustment.
- ምርጥ የእርጥበት መጠን. For best wood chip quality, keep the raw material’s moisture content between 30% and 40%. If the wood is too dry, add a small amount of water.
- Regular maintenance. Sharpen the cutter periodically using specialized sharpening equipment to maintain the correct cutting angle and edge sharpness.
- Review instructions. Carefully read the machine manual before use or consult a professional technician if further guidance is needed.
ከበሮ-አይነት ቺፕስ ጋር ሲወዳደር ጥቅሞች
ጋር ሲነጻጸር ከበሮ ቺፐር, this chipper is more suitable for those who are just starting the wood business. The investment cost of a wood chipper is low, and the machine itself is relatively small, so the transportation cost is less, which effectively reduces the risk for investors.
በተጨማሪም ዊልስ በሁለቱም በኤሌክትሪክ ቺፑር እና በናፍታ ቺፑር ላይ መጨመር ይቻላል, ይህም ለመንቀሳቀስ በጣም ቀላል ነው. በመጨረሻም, ከበሮ ቺፑር በስራ ላይ የበለጠ ሙያዊ እና በጣም ትልቅ ምርት አለው, ይህም በትልልቅ የደን እርሻዎች ውስጥ ለመጠቀም ተስማሚ ነው.
ለእንጨት መሰኪያ ማሽን ምን መስጠት እንችላለን?
ከመሸጥ በፊት፡-
- ደንበኞች በእውነተኛ ፍላጎቶች ላይ በመመስረት ተስማሚ ማሽን እንዲመርጡ ያግዙ።
- በደንበኛው መስፈርቶች እና በተጨባጭ ሁኔታ መሰረት ማሽኑን ዲዛይን ማድረግ እና ማምረት.
በሽያጭ ወቅት፡-
- ማሽኑን በጥብቅ ይመርምሩ፣ እና ከመላክዎ በፊት ፎቶዎችን እና ቪዲዮዎችን ለገዢው ይላኩ።
- የግንባታ ዕቅዶችን ለማዘጋጀት ደንበኞችን ያግዙ.
ከሽያጭ በኋላ አገልግሎት;
- መጫኑን በእንግሊዘኛ መመሪያ፣ በቪዲዮ ወይም በመመደብ ቴክኒሻን ይመሩ።
- የኦፕሬተሮች በቦታው ላይ ስልጠና.
- የመስመር ላይ የማማከር አገልግሎቶች አሉ።
በእኛ የእንጨት ቺፐር የጉልበት ወጪን በመቀነስ እና የምርት ጥራትን በማረጋገጥ የእንጨት ማቀነባበሪያ ቅልጥፍናን እና ምርታማነትን ማሳደግ ይችላሉ።
የእንጨት ማቀነባበሪያ ስራዎችን ለማመቻቸት እና ንግድዎን ወደ ሌላ ደረጃ ለማድረስ ይህንን እድል እንዳያመልጥዎት. ስለእኛ Wood Chipper እና ለንግድዎ እንዴት እንደሚጠቅም የበለጠ ለማወቅ አሁኑኑ ያግኙን!