Product – WoodMachinery Kiongozi wa Vifaa vya Mkaa Wed, 03 Jul 2024 02:31:38 +0000 sw kila saa 1 Mashine ya Kutengeneza Pallet ya Mbao丨 Mashine ya mbao iliyobanwa Wed, 22 Feb 2023 03:14:59 +0000 Mashine ya godoro ya mbao iliyoshinikizwa ni maalumu katika kutengeneza kila aina ya pallet za mbao. Mashine ya kutengeneza godoro ya mbao ya majimaji inaweza kukandamiza kila aina ya chips za mbao, maganda ya mchele, maganda ya nazi, n.k. kwenye pati za mbao zenye msongamano mkubwa na ugumu wa hali ya juu.

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Mstari wa uzalishaji wa godoro la mbao | Mashine ya kutengeneza pallet ya mbao asiye mtu mzima
Mashine ya Pellet ya Kuni ya Biomass | Wood Pellet Extruder Mill Inauzwa Wed, 30 Nov 2022 10:13:23 +0000 Shuliy biomass wood pellet machine mainly produces environmentally friendly and pollution-free wood pellets. The biomass pellet machine is very popular in the market and our machines have been exported to all over the world, helping many manufacturers to achieve economic benefits. Introduction of biomass wood pellet machine biomass pellet mill is a vertical structure and […]

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Jinsi ya kutengeneza pellets za mbao na maganda ya mchele? | Mashine ya kutengeneza pellet ya mbao inauzwa asiye mtu mzima
Mashine ya Pellet ya Mbao | Viwanda Wood Pellet Mill Mon, 28 Nov 2022 10:13:21 +0000 Shuliy wood pellet machine for sale is attractive to customers determined to start a wood pellet making business. The wood pellet mill can use a variety of agricultural waste to make pellet fuel.

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Mashine ya kutengeneza pellet ya vumbi | Jinsi ya kutengeneza pellets za kuni zilizoshinikwa? asiye mtu mzima
Kiwanda cha Kusindika Briquette ya Makaa ya Mawe | Mashine ya kutengeneza makaa ya mawe Fri, 11 Mar 2022 08:17:57 +0000 The rapid development of the mechanization of coal mining has created a space for us to develop coal briquette processing plant. Briquette equipment is the preferred investment project for energy conservation and emission reduction in the coal industry. Fine coal powder is not easy to transport and use as fuel, so the coal powder is […]

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Wood Pallet Block Line Uzalishaji | Mashine ya Kutengeneza Matofali ya Sawdust Fri, 25 Feb 2022 09:39:26 +0000 The wood pallet block production line uses sawdust, shavings, straw, and other waste materials as raw materials. After crushing, drying, and mixing glue, it is heated and pressurized by a sawdust brick making machine to produce pallet foot blocks. The wooden pallet block formed by high temperature and high pressure has a smooth and flat […]

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Mashine ya Kuzuia Mbao | Pallet Block Press Machine Jumatatu, 14 Feb 2022 09:35:40 +0000 Mashine ya kuzuia mbao hutumiwa zaidi kupasha joto na kushinikiza vipande vya mbao ili kuzalisha vitalu vya godoro. Vitalu vya mbao vinavyotokana ni laini na gorofa kwa kuonekana na ni bora kwa kufanya piers za miguu na miguu kwenye pallets za mbao. Vifaa ni rahisi katika muundo, rahisi kufanya kazi. Mashine yetu ya kutengenezea mbao iliyobanwa […]

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Mashine ya kutengeneza vitalu vya mbao inauzwa | Jinsi ya kutengeneza vitalu vya pallet kwa urahisi asiye mtu mzima
Mashine Mpya Zaidi ya Kutengeneza Mkaa | Tanuru ya Uzalishaji wa Carbonization ya Shell ya Nazi Ijumaa, 11 Feb 2022 09:18:40 +0000 Mashine mpya zaidi ya kutengeneza mkaa pia inaitwa tanuru ya kaboni ya ganda la nazi, ambayo ni tanuru mpya ya uwekaji kaboni iliyo rafiki kwa mazingira iliyozinduliwa na mashine ya WOOD. Mashine mpya zaidi ya kutengeneza mkaa inachukua muundo wa kawaida, ambao ni rahisi kwa usakinishaji na matengenezo. Teknolojia ya hali ya juu ya otomatiki na udhibiti sahihi wa halijoto unaweza kukabiliana na anuwai ya […]

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Mstari wa Kufunga Madini ya Poda | Mashine ya Waandishi wa Habari za Mpira wa Mkaa Mon, 17 Jan 2022 08:46:49 +0000 The mineral powder briquetting line is mainly used for the briquetting process of various ore powders, waste from steelmaking or metallurgical industry, charcoal powder, sludge, steel slag, etc. The whole production line mainly includes crushers, wheel grinding mill, forming machine, and dryer. The charcoal briquette machine compresses the mineral dust into blocks and reuses them, […]

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Mstari wa Uzalishaji wa Coal Briquettes | Mstari wa Kutengeneza Poda ya Makaa ya Mawe Fri, 14 Jan 2022 09:00:36 +0000 The coal briquettes production line is a series of processes for pressing pulverized coal into spherical or pillow-like briquettes. The equipment of the coal powder forming line includes a coal pulverizer, double shaft mixer, coal ball pressing machine, dryer and packaging machine. The briquettes produced can be widely used in domestic and industrial applications. WOOD […]

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Mashine ya Mkaa ya Rotary Shisha | Hookah Tablet Press Machine Wed, 12 Jan 2022 07:01:38 +0000 Shuliy Machinery specializes in manufacturing and selling various shisha tablet press machines, including mechanical, hydraulic, stainless steel, and rotary types.

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Shiasha mkaa briquette mashine | Mchakato wa kufanya kazi wa mashine ya kushinikiza mkaa wa hookah asiye mtu mzima